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These post applies to following version:
Dynamics AX 2012
Dynamics AX 2012
This post is part of the series »Dynamics AX 2012 - Financial dimensions«
In Dynamics AX 2012, the handling of financial dimensions has changed. Both on the surface and the underlying data model.
In earlier versions you find one field - usually named dimension - of type array. Now you'll find a field derived from RecId called DefaultDimension (or similar).
In this series I want to specifically address these changes and present one or the other piece of code.
Sometimes you have the requirement that a certain financial dimension is to be set on the basis of an input in a form.
The following code example is something relatively easy to implement. In the example, whenever a particular field is changed - queried on the method modified() of the field of a DataSource, the financial dimension Costcenter will be filled with the value 25. If the value to be entered an invalid, nothing happens (error message or similar).
In the example, an existing instance of DimensionDefaultingController used.